


Slice taglib: http://cognifide.com/jsp/slice


Creates and sets object of requested type using current resource. It is used for obtaining business data model associated with the component.

varname of variable where the object will be stored. It can later be used through JSTL(tick)
typeclass of object to be created(tick)
appNameapplication name - name under which the injector has been registered. If not defined it is automatically computed based on component resource type(error)


CQ taglib: http://cognifide.com/jsp/slice/cq


Extended version of the cq:include tag. In addition to the original behaviour it allows controlling the WCM mode inside the include, and disabling the decoration markup that's added by WCM by default. The control is done either at component level - using custom properties stored in a component's node, or at the include level - using tag's attributes. Tag's attributes have higher priority than component's meta-data. To force WCM disable / enable set the cog:disableWcm property to true / false respectively (String and Boolean property supported). To set in which modes the  decoration is enabled, set the cog:enableDecorationInModes property either as String or  multi-value String with one or more of following: disabled, edit, read-only, preview, design,  author, publish, all, none.

additionalCssClassNamesComma separated list of additional CSS class names that will be added to wrapping markup(error)
disableWcmIf true, the component is always included with WCM disabled (WCMMode.fromRequest(request) == WCMMode.Disabled). If false - the current WCM mode is passed. False by default. Note, that thanks to the include hierarchy, this setting is populated to all child components. This attribute overrides component's cog:disableWcm property.(error)
enableDecorationA decoration is an additional markup required by WCM to draw dialog box and added around the include. If true, the decoration  of current component is applied as in default cq:include. If false, no decoration is added. True by default. This configuration setting is not populated to children components. This attribute overrides component's cog:disableDecorationInModes property.(error)
flushif true, tag flushes the output before including the target; false by default(error)

A boolean controlling whether the component hierarchy should be ignored for script resolution. If true, only the search paths are respected. False by default.

pathThe path to the resource object to include in the current request processing. If this path is relative it is appended to the path of the current resource whose script is including the given resource. Either resource or path must be specified. If both are specified, the resource takes precedences.(error)
renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)
resourceTypeThe resource type of a resource to include. If the resource to be included is specified with the path attribute, which cannot be resolved to a resource, the tag may create a synthetic resource object out of the path and this resource type. If the resource type is set the path must be the exact path to a resource object. That is, adding parameters, selectors and extensions to the path is not supported if the resource type is set.(error)
scriptThe JSP script to include. Either path and resourceType, or script must be specified.(error)


Renders HTML anchor but does not render empty attributes. In other words, the tag can have attribute defined, but if it's value is empty, it will not be rendered. Additionally, this tag supports externalisation of handles passed in a href attribute.

hrefhref attribute of the <a> tag - specifies the destination of a link(tick)
idid attribute of the <a> tag - specifies a unique id for an element(error)
clazzclass attribute of the <a> tag - specifies a class name for an element(error)
titletitle attribute of the <a> tag - specifies extra information about an element(error)
targettarget attribute of the <a> tag - specifies where to open the linked document(error)
namename attribute of the <a> tag - specifies the name of an anchor(error)

rel attribute of the <a> tag - specifies the relationship between the current document and the linked document

onclickonclick attribute of the <a> tag - script to be run on a mouse click(error)
extensionspecifies extension to be used when externalising if a handle was passed as href(error)
selectorspecifies selector to be used when externalising if a handle was passed as href(error)
externaliseif true - the href value will be externalised(error)
renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)


Catches exceptions and renders their stack traces surrounded with <pre> tags, or as HTML comments.

throwableVariableNamespecifies name under which throwable variable is stored(error)
renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)


Inserts <div style="clear:both;font-size:1px">&nbsp;</div>; in edit mode.

renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)


Disables edit mode of components included within the tag.

The tag has no attributes.


Externalises given handle, i.e. changes it into an absolute link. Only content handles are externalised, anything that doesn't start with /content/ is treated as external link and ignored (the handle attribute is returned). It is assumed that the content handle is valid  according to the JSR 170 path specification (http://www.day.com/specs/jcr/1.0/4.6_Path_Syntax.html). This tag does not validate the handle. Externalised link consists of the original handle, followed by '.', then selector, another '.' and  extension. Example: for handle=/content/cognifide/en_gb/home, selector=print, extension=html, output link is: /content/cognifide/en_gb/home.print.html

handlehandle to be externalised(tick)
extensionextension if required, can be null or empty, should not contain dots(error)
selectorselector if required, can be null or empty, should not contain dots(error)
renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)


Draws the given CQ image.

imageImage (com.day.cq.wcm.foundation.Image) to be drawn(tick) 


Inserts CQ5 mobile emulator includes - to be used in the head section.

renderif false, tag does not render; true by default(error)


Validation taglib: http://cognifide.com/jsp/slice/validation


Please see the  validation section.