Slice Statistics - 4.4


Slice Statistics offer some high-level insight into the inner workings of Slice. It's a simple tool that allows administrators to assess how many Slice Models are created on an AEM instance and how long they take to process. It can be used to discover performance problems in specific models in a non-intrusive way.


Statistics regarding Slice Models have been added to the OSGi console. In order to gather and view them, open the Apache Felix console and select Status > Slice Statistics, see the screenshot below.

Finding Slice Statistics in the Felix console.

Initially, no statistics will be available. To start gathering stats, click the Start button.

Slice Statistics with no statistics gathered yet

As AEM renders pages that use Slice Models, statistics will be gathered. Once you click the Stop button, they will be displayed in a tabular form or as a tree listing nested Slice Models in a readable manner.

Slice Statistics in Table mode, showing statistics regarding several Models

Slice Statistics in Hierarchy Tree mode, showing stats regarding several Models.

The information available is:

  • the number of instances of every model,
  • the total time (in milliseconds) spent processing objects of each Model class, and
  • the average time each type of Model takes to initialize.

The statistics are stored in memory. To clear previously gathered statistics, click the RESET button.

There is currently no way to export the statistics