Slice 3.1.0


Get from source:

git clone
cd Slice
git checkout 3.1.0
mvn clean package

Get CQ package:

Release Notes:

This is Slice version independent from CQ and CQ related modules were extracted to separate projects. They also have own group -  com.cognifide.slice-addon -  and they are stored in separate git repositories depending on CQ version:



  • [SLICE-29] - extract CQ-related modules.

Upgrade from 3.0.1

Upgrade from Slice 3.0.1 should be seamless as the API didn't change. The only change in this release was separation of CQ modules. Therefore, you need to include them differently - the slice-cq module (com.cognifide.slice:slice-cq) is no longer available and it was replaced by appropriate addons. See Slice CQ Addons documentation for more details on how to add Slice CQ Addon dependency in your project.